Sabtu, 14 Juli 2018

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Hash oil - Wikipedia

Hash oil is an oleoresin obtained by marijuana extraction or cannabis. It is a concentrated form of a plant containing many resins and terpenes - in particular, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD), and other cannabinoids. There are various methods of extraction, but most involve solvents such as butane or ethanol. Hash oil is usually consumed by smoking, yawning or eating but sometimes other methods are used. The hash oil, sold in cartridges, is used by a vaporizer pen to smoke secretly in public.

Hash oil is an extracted cannabis product that can utilize parts of the plant. Ideally, the final product will not contain any residual solvents. It is generally considered unclear from traditional marijuana under the 1961 UN Single Convention on Narcotics Drugs (Schedule I and IV) because "separate resin, whether raw or pure, derived from cannabis plants".

The preparation of the hash oil may be solid or colloid dependent on both production methods and temperature and is usually referred to by their appearance or characteristics. Color ranges, most often golden to light brown, can vary from transparent to yellow, brown, to black.

Marijuana pharmacies in California have reported about 40% of their sales are from cannabis oil.

Video Hash oil


The content of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) of hash oil varies greatly, as producers use a variety of marijuana plants and preparation techniques. Dealers sometimes cut hash oil with other oils.

The hash oil confiscated in the 1970s has a THC content ranging from 10 to 30%. The oil available in the US West Coast in 1974 averaged about 15% of THC. Samples seized throughout the United States by the Drug Enforcement Administration during the 18-year period (1980-1997) show that THC content in hashish and hashish oil averaged 12.9% and 17.4%, respectively, did not show an improvement from time to time. The highest THC concentrations measured were 52.9% in marijuana and 47.0% in hash oil. Hash oil used in 2010 has a THC concentration as high as 90% and other products achieve higher concentrations

The following compounds were found in the naphtha extract of Dutch Bedrocan medical marijuana:

  • Cannabinoids: THC (~ 30%) and THCA (~ 60%).
  • Monoterpen (~ 5%):? -pinene, myrcene ,? -phellandrene, cis -ocimene, terpinolene, and terpineol.
  • Sesquiterpenes (~ 5%):? -caryophyllene, humulene ,? -guaiene ,? -cadinene, eudesma-3,7 (11) -diena, and elemene.

The shape of the extract varies depending on the process used; may be liquid, a clear yellow solid (called a "fraction"), a sticky semisolid substance (called a "wax"), or a fragile beehive solid (called "honeycomb wax").

Maps Hash oil


Traditional ice-water separates hashish production using water as a solvent, although this method still leaves much residual plant material and is therefore less suitable for full evaporation.

The MKUltra project, the Central Intelligence Agency project that investigates drug-using interrogations, involves the use of molten cannabis as a truth serum. Details of this preparation may be destroyed with other documentation of the project.

Called "butane honey oil" was available briefly in the 1970s. This product is made in Kabul, Afghanistan and smuggled into the United States by the Eternal Love Brotherhood. Production is considered to have ceased when the facility was destroyed in the explosion.

Gold describes the use of alcohol and activated carbon in honey production in 1989, and Michael Starks explains further procedures and various solvents in 1990.

Colorado and Washington began licensing a hash oil-taking operation in 2014.

A new law goes into effect on Wednesday, limiting what ingredients ...


Hash oil is consumed usually by smoking, consumption, or evaporation. Smoking or evaporating hash oil is known colloquially as "fouled", from an English verb to daub (Dutch dabben, French dauber), "to grease with a glue". The injected device includes a special type of water pipe ("oil rig"), and a similar vaporizer in design for electronic cigarettes. Oil rigs include glass water pipes and vacuum tubes (called "spikes"), with a curve on the side that is sometimes covered with a dome. Pipes are often heated with torches instead of cigarette lighters.

Ganja bud, Hash oil, Hashish and Hash oil joint. | Khmanglo | Flickr


Hash oil is produced by solvent extraction (maceration, infusion or percolation) of marijuana or marijuana. After filtration and solvent evaporation, sticky resin liquids with strong herbal odors (very different from the distinctive smell of hemp) persist.

The fresh and non-dried plant material is less suitable for the production of hash oil, since many THC and CBD will be present in the form of carboxylic acids (THCA and CBDA), which may not be very soluble in some solvents. The decarboxylated acids during drying and heating (smoking).

A wide variety of solvents can be used for extraction, such as chloroform, dichloromethane, petroleum ether, naphtha, benzene, butane, methanol, ethanol, isopropanol, and olive oil. Currently, resinoids are often obtained by extraction with supercritical carbon dioxide. Alcohol extracts water-insoluble substances such as chlorophyll and sugar (which can be removed later by washing with water). Non-polar solutions such as benzene, chloroform and petroleum ether will not extract water-soluble hashish or hashish constituents while still producing hash oil. In general, non-polar marijuana extract has a much better taste than polar extract. Alkaline leaching increases the odor and taste.

The oil may be further enhanced by 1) alkali leaching, or removal of aromatic carboxylic acids with antibiotic properties, which may cause irritation of heartburn, gallbladder and pancreas, and resistance to cannabis antibiotics; 2) conversion of CBD to THC. Process 1) comprises dissolving the oil in a nonpolar solvent such as petroleum ether, repeated leaching (saponification) with a base such as sodium carbonate solution until the yellow residue disappears from the aqueous phase, pouring and washing with water to remove the saponified base and component (and vaporize the solvent ). This process reduces oil yields, but the resulting oil is less acidic, easier to digest and stronger (almost pure THC). Process 2) comprises dissolving the oil in a suitable solvent such as an absolute ethanol containing 0.05% hydrochloric acid, and boiling the mixture for 2 hours.

One pound of marijuana produces 1/5 to 1/10 pounds of hash oil. The oil can retain sufficient residual solvents: oils extracted with long-chain volatile hydrocarbons (such as naphtha) are less viscous (thinner) than oils extracted with short chain hydrocarbons (such as butane).

The colored impurities from the oil can be removed by adding activated charcoal to about one-third to one-half the weight or volume of solvent containing dissolved oil, mixing well, filtering, and vaporizing the solvent. When decolorizing fatty oils, oil retention may reach 50% on bleaching of the earth and nearly 100% by weight of activated charcoal.

Hash vs. Oil vs. Wax: The Differences, Benefits


Ownership or the manufacture of cannabis extract and illegal marijuana in most jurisdictions. People caught with a small amount of extract can face very tough prison terms. By 2017 in some areas of the United States the mandatory minimum one year in prison still exists. However, it is produced extensively in countries where cannabis has been legalized.

Greenbridge Patient Collective | Hash Oil Dipped Top Shelf Joints



By 2015 the health effects of using hash oil are not well documented. The marijuana extract has less plant matter and produces less harmful fumes; however, the amount of dirt traces is generally not considered safe (GRAS).


Most of the solvents used evaporate quickly and easily, making the extraction process dangerous. Several incidents of explosions and fires related to the effort of manufacturing hash oil at home have been reported.

The solvents used to extract THC are flammable or flammable and cause explosions, fire, severe injury, and death.


LD50 for THC (Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol) is not known for certain. Hash oil can contain up to 80% THC although up to 99% by other extraction methods. While lung health problems can be exacerbated by the use of hash oil, it is unknown to cause undesirable side effects in other preparations of marijuana.

However, the hash oil is less lipophilic and may expand through and swell general glove materials such as natural rubber, except for polar materials such as cellulose, neoprene and nitrile films.


When exposed to air, warmth and light (especially without antioxidants), oil loses its sense and its psychoactive due to aging. Canabinoid carboxylic acids (THCA, CBDA, and possibly others) have antibiotic effects in Staphylococcus aureus-like gram-positive bacteria, but gram-negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli are unaffected.

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See also

  • Cannabis essential oil flower
  • Fragrance extraction
  • Linseed oil
  • Liquid smoke
  • Resin life
  • Oleoresin capsicum
  • Rosin
  • Higher oil
  • Tinned dope
  • Gas explosion

What Is Dabbing? The Basics On Butane Hash Oil (BHO)


  • Ed Rosenthal, Beyond Buds: Marijuana Extracts, 2014.

Cannabis 101: What Are Cannabis Oil, Shatter, And Wax Extracts?


Source of the article : Wikipedia
