whiskers ( UK: ; American English: mustache , ) is a facial hair that grows on the upper lip. Mustache can be prepared with pruning and styling with a kind of pomade called wax whiskers.
Video Moustache
The word "mustache" is French, and comes from the Italian
Maps Moustache
Shaving with a razor stone is possible from the Neolithic era. Mustache is depicted on the statue of the 4th Egyptian prince, Rahotep (around 2550 BC). Another ancient photo showing a man with a mustache with a mustache is an ancient Iranian horseman (Scythian) from 300 BC.
Various cultures have developed different associations with whiskers. For example, in many twentieth-century Arab countries, whiskers are associated with power, beards with Islamic traditionalism, and a lack of facial hair with a more liberal and secular tendency. In Islam, the whiskers of the mustache are regarded as sunnah and mustahabb, that is, the recommended way of life, especially among Sunni Muslims. Mustache is also a religious symbol for followers of Yarsan religious men.
India's traditional belief is that male facial hair is a sign of masculinity. This caused problems during the time of Raj of Britain in the 19th century and, as a result, the Indian whiskers had a profound effect on the facial hair of the Englishman. The British Army, shaved clean up to that point, had difficulty maintaining authority among the Indian soldiers, who saw the lack of whiskers, beards, and their officers' jaws as a lack of masculinity. Eventually the British officers began to grow mustaches and other facial hair to gain the respect of their troops. The sports trends of the mustaches spread quickly through the army and then back home among the general British civilian population.
Development and maintenance
Mustache forms his own stage in the development of facial hair in adolescent males.
Like most human biological processes, this particular sequence can vary among individuals depending on one's genetic or environmental heritage.
Mustache can be treated by shaving the chin and cheek hair, preventing it from becoming a full beard. Various tools have been developed for the care of whiskers, including safety razors, mustache wax, mustache webs, mustache brushes, whiskers and mustache scissors.
In the Middle East, there is a growing trend for mustache transplants, which involves undergoing a procedure called follicle unit extraction to achieve fuller, more imposing facial hair.
The longest mustache measures 4.29 m (14 ft) and belongs to Ram Singh Chauhan (India). It was measured on the set of the Italian TV show "Lo Show dei Record" in Rome, Italy, on March 4, 2010.
World Beard and Moustache Championships 2007 has six subcategories for whiskers:
- DalÃÆ' - narrow, long point bent or curved sharply upwards; the area through the corner of the mouth should be shaved. Artificial styling assistance is required. Named after Salvador DalÃÆ'.
- English whiskers - narrow, starting in the middle of the upper lip of his long mustache and pulled to the side, slightly curved; the tip slightly upward; the area through the corner of the mouth is usually shaved. Artificial styles may be required.
- Freestyle - All whiskers that do not fit into another class. Hair is allowed to grow from a maximum of up to 1.5 cm beyond the upper lip. Help allowed.
- Hungary - Big and bushy, starting from the middle of the upper lip and pulled to the side. Hair is allowed to grow from a maximum of up to 1.5 cm beyond the tip of the upper lip.
- Imperial - a mustache that grows from the upper lip and cheek, curl upward (different from royale , or impÃÆ' Â © riale )
- Natural - Mustache can be styled without help.
Other types of mustaches include:
- Chevron - covering the area between the nose and upper lip, out to the edge of the upper lip but no farther. Popular in the 1970s and 1980s American and British culture (Ron Jeremy, Richard Petty, Freddie Mercury, Bruce Forsyth and Tom Selleck noted for their chevrons).
- Fu Manchu - long, pointed down, generally outside the chin.
- Hands-on, with a small tip pointing up. See Rollie Fingers baseball pitcher. Horseshoe - Often confused with Handlebar Moustache, the horseshoe may be popularized by modern cowboys and consist of whiskers full of vertical extensions from the corners of the lips to the jaw and resemble an inverted horseshoe. Also known as "biker mustache". Worn by Hulk Hogan and Bill Kelliher.
- Pancho Villa - similar to Fu Manchu but thicker; also known as "foggy whiskers". Also similar to Horseshoe. A Pancho Villa is longer and more dense than the mustache that is usually worn by the historic Pancho Villa.
- The pencil mustache - narrow, straight and thin as drawn in pencil, clamped tightly, underlining the upper lip, with a large shaving gap between the nose and the mustache. Popular in the 1940s, and in particular related to Clark Gable. Recently, it has been recognized as the choice whisker for the fictional character Gomez Addams in the 1990s film series based on The Addams Family. Also known as Mouth-eyebrow, and worn by Vincent Price, John Waters, Sean Penn and Chris Cornell.
- Toothbrush - thick, but shaved except about 2.5 cm in the middle; associated with Adolf Hitler, Charlie Chaplin, Oliver Hardy, and Michael Jordan in his ad for Hanes.
- Walrus - bushy, hanging over the lips, often covering the mouth completely. Used by Mark Twain, Richard Brautigan, John R. Bolton, Wilford Brimley, Friedrich Nietzsche, Jeff "Skunk" Baxter and Jamie Hyneman.
- Mustache style
Events and perceptions
Like many other fashion trends, the mustache is subject to changing popularity over time. Although modern culture often connects a mustache with a man from the Victorian Era, Susan Walton points out that at the beginning of the Victorian Facial Hair "looked upon with dislike" and the mustache was regarded as a sign of an artist or revolutionary, both remain on the social edge of the moment. This is supported by the fact that only one MP uses facial hair from 1841-1847. However, in the 1860s, these changes and whiskers became very popular even among the leading people but by the end of the century, facial hair became once again. Although people can not be entirely sure about the cause of the change, Walton speculates that the increase in facial hair trends is largely due to the coming war against Russia, and the belief that whiskers and beards project a more 'gallant' image. , carried by the so-called 'rebranding' of the British military and the rehabilitation of military virtue. The mustache was characteristic of the British army, even until 1908 no enlisted soldiers were allowed to shave their upper lips. However, the next generation of men consider facial hair, like a mustache, to be an outdated symbol of masculinity and therefore there is a dramatic decline in the trend of a clean mustache and face shaved into a sign of modern humans.
According to a study conducted by Nigel Barber, the results have shown a strong correlation between a good marriage market for women and an increase in the number of whiskers worn by the male population. By comparing the number of men depicted in Illustrated London News sporting mustaches against the ratio of single women to single men, a similar trend over the next two years will show that these two factors are correlated. Barber points out that this correlation may be due to the fact that men with mustaches are considered more attractive, industrious, creative, masculine, dominant and mature by both men and women, as supported by research conducted by HellstrÃÆ'¶m and Tekle. Barber points out that these perceived attributes will affect the choice of female husbands as they will suggest high reproductive and biological quality, and the capacity to invest in children, so when men have to compete heavily for marriage, they are more likely to grow mustaches in trying to project these qualities. This theory is also supported by the correlation between beards and women wearing long dresses, as demonstrated by Robinson's research, which then correlates with the correlation between fashion clothing and the marriage market, as shown in Barber's 1999 study.
Invalid rate
Barber's research also shows that when the ratio is invalid, ie the ratio of births is not valid compared to the total number of births, the high number of whiskers in the population declines. This negative correlation between the whisker and the invalid ratio will indicate that an invalid ratio can also be a factor in the whisker trend in the population. Barber suggests that because facial expressions are heavily dependent on the mouth, clean shaved can give the impression that a person's expression is more readable and therefore more reliable, therefore those without facial hair are considered more reliable, men are more likely than women, women tend to look for men who look trustworthy.
Age perception
Whiskers and other forms of facial hair are globally understood as signs of post-puberty men, but those with mustaches are considered older than those who are shaved clean at the same age. This is determined by manipulating photographs of six male subjects, with varying degrees of baldness, having whiskers and beards and then asking undergraduates to assess both male and faceless facial photos in terms of social maturity, aggression, age, appease, and attraction. Regardless of how bald the subject is, the results found in relation to the perception of the mustache remain constant. Although men with facial hair are considered, in general, to be older than the same subject depicted without facial hair, the smeared subject is also considered much less mature socially. The perception of declining social maturity of men with mustaches may be partly due to increased perceptions of aggression in men with mustaches, as aggression does not correspond to social maturity.
In a study conducted by J. A. Reed and E. M. Blunk, people in management positions were shown to feel positively, and were therefore more likely to hire, men with facial hair. Although the man with the beard above all scored better than the man with the mustache alone, the man with the mustache got a much higher score than the clean-shaven men. In this experiment 228 people, men and women, who held management positions that made hiring decisions were shown ink sketches of six male job applicants. The people in these ink sketches range from clean shaved, to stranded, bearded. Positive correlation between perception and facial hair. Men with facial hair are rated higher by employers in aspects of masculinity, maturity, physical attractiveness, dominance, self-confidence, nonconformity, courage, persistence, enthusiasm, intelligence, sincerity, and general competence. The results were found to be quite similar for female and male employers, which Reed and Blunk suggested would imply that gender does not become a person's perception factor of a mustache on male applicants. However, Blunk and Reed also determined that the meaning and acceptance of facial hair changes depending on the time period. However, studies conducted by HellstrÃÆ'¶m & amp; Tekle and also a study conducted by Klapprott will show that the mustache is not good for all professions as it has been shown that clean shaven men are viewed more reliably in roles such as salesmen and professors. Other studies have shown that facial hair acceptance may vary depending on culture and location, as in a study conducted in Brazil, clean shaved men are preferred by personnel managers rather than bearded, cut, or wrinkled applicants.
Black males tend to have a higher percentage of mustaches than white men in the United States: "A much larger percentage of African-American men than white men wear mustaches today and always wear mustaches."
In Western culture, it has been shown that women do not like men who show a mustache or a visible beard, but preferred men who have a beard-like mark (often known as a five o'clock shadow) above those who are clean-shaven. This supports the idea that in Western culture, women prefer men who have the ability to grow facial hair, like a mustache, but choose not to. However some researchers have suggested that it is possible that in ecologies where physical aggressiveness is more adaptive than cooperation, bearded men may be more favored by women. However, various opinions about whiskers are not destined for international cultural differences because even in the United States, there is a discrepancy observed in women's preference for male facial hair because Freedman studies suggest that women studying at the University of Chicago prefer men with facial hair because they consider they are more masculine, sophisticated, and mature than clean shaven men. Similarly, a study conducted by Kenny and Fletcher at Memphis State University, which is largely a commuter school and is usually considered more conventional than the University of Chicago, suggests that men with facial hair such as whiskers and beards, are considered more powerful and more masculine by students women. However, research conducted by Feinman and Gill shows that this reaction to facial hair does not occur nationally, as women studying in the state of Wyoming show a clear preference for shaved men than men with facial hair. Some accredit this distinction with the distinction between territory, rurality, and political and social conservatism between the various studies. Thus it can be seen that even in the US, there is little variation in the perception of a mustache.
In addition to various cultures, the perception of whiskers is also changed by religion because some religions support the growth of whiskers or facial hair in general, while others tend to reject those who have mustaches, while many churches remain somewhat ambivalent on the subject.
While the Amish men grew their beards when they were married and never trimmed them, they shrugged off their mustaches and continued to shave their upper lips. It is rooted in the rejection of the German military mode of sporting whiskers, which was prevalent at the time of the formation of the Amish community in Europe, thus serving as a symbol of their commitment to pacifism.
Although never explicitly stated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that all male members should be clean-shaven, the Mormon circle is often considered "taboo" for men to have mustaches because church missionaries needed to be clean-shaven , and this has become a kind of social norm within the church itself. This often causes members who choose to wear mustaches feel somewhat like they are not quite as per the norm, but in the studies shown by Nielsen and White, these men reportedly did not mind these feelings and that is why they continue to grow their facial hair. In particular, Brigham Young University, a University system owned by the Mormon Church, allows whiskers, but bans beards and other forms of facial hair.
Although facial treatments are not specifically mentioned in the Qur'an, many narrations of hadith (sayings of Muhammad) are discussing personal hygiene, including facial hair care. In one instance, Muhammad suggested that men should grow beards, and like mustaches, cut longer hairs so as not to cover the upper lip (because this is Fitra - originally). So, growing a beard while keeping a short mustache and trimmed is an established tradition in many Muslim societies.
Famous Mustache
The longest mustache is 4.29 m (14 ft) and belongs to Ram Singh Chauhan of India. It was measured on the set of Lo Show dei Record in Rome, Italy, on March 4, 2010.
In some cases, the mustache is clearly identified with one individual who can identify himself without further identification features, as in the case of Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin. For example, Kaiser Wilhelm II's mustache, exaggerated, is prominently featured in Triple Entente propaganda. In other cases, such as Charlie Chaplin and Groucho Marx, the mustache is artificial for most of the wearer's life.
In art, entertainment and media
Aliases â € <â € <
- Mustache is the alias name of French comic actor FranÃÆ'§ois-Alexandre Galipedes (b.14 February 1929 in Paris, France - d 25 March 1987 in Arpajon, Essonne, France ), known for his roles in Paris Blues (1961), How to Steal Million (1966), and Zorro (1975 )
Fictional characters
- Mustache has long been used by artists to create distinctive characters, such as Charlie Chan, Mario video game characters, Hercule Poirot, or Snidely Whiplash.
- Sharabi's Bollywood movie has a Natthulal character whose mustache is a legend. Munchhen hon to Natthulal jaisi, na hon colors (Mostaches should be like Natthulal or not at all) to be one of the most cited dialogue.
- At least one fiction mustache has been so famous that the whole style is named after it: Fu Manchu's mustache.
- In 1954, Salvador DalÃÆ' published a book devoted entirely to his mustache.
Visual art
They have also been used to create social or political points such as:
- Marcel Duchamp's L.H.O.O.Q. (1919), a parody of Mona Lisa that adds a beard and mustache
- Frida Kahlo's grim self-portrait
In the military
- In the Indian Army, most of Rajputana's senior regiments have mustaches, and Rajputana Kumis is a symbol of dignity, caste status, and the spirit of the Rajput army.
- Mustache is also recorded among US soldiers and cavalry soldiers.
In sports
- In the early 1970s, Major League Baseball players rarely wore facial hair. As described in the book Mustache Gang , Oakland Athletics owner Charlie Finley decided to hold a growing mustache contest in his team. When A faces the Cincinnati Reds, whose team rules ban face hair, in the 1972 World Series, the series is dubbed by the media as "hair vs. box".
- For the 2008 Summer Olympics, Croatia's national water polo team grown a mustache to honor coach Ratko Rudi ?.
- During the London 2012 Olympics, Chilean supporters painted mustaches on their skin as a sign of support for gymnast TomÃÆ'¡s González. A site called bigoteolimipico.com (olympicmoustache) was created to let people create Twitter avatars and Facebook images with a mustache to support TomÃÆ'¡s González.
- The NHL player George Parros is well known for his mustache that the replica is sold by his team, with proceeds for charity.
- Formula 1 racer Nigel Mansell wore a famous chevron mustache during his racing career. While he shaved it after he retired, he then regenerated it.
See also
- American Moustache Institute
- Beard
- Bearded lady
- Mustache cup
- Movember
- The occurrence and perception of the mustache
- "Thin Mustache Pencil"
- Tacheback
External links
- Photos of famous composer whiskers acknowledged Movember
- French Documentary (52 minutes) about mustache history
Source of the article : Wikipedia