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Protection | Structured Settlement Payout |

A structured settlement factoring transaction means the transfer of a structured settlement payment right (including part of a structured settlement payment) made for consideration by way of sale, assignment, appointment or other form of loading or alienation for consideration. In order for such transfers to be approved, transfers must comply with the Internal Revenue Code 5891 and applicable state settlement protection laws.

Video Structured settlement factoring transaction

The purpose of a structured settlement factoring transaction

A structured factoring transaction is a means to increase liquidity where there is no other viable means, through the transfer of structured settlement payment rights, for items such as unexpected medical costs, the need for housing or transportation repairs, tuition fees and the like, or in a situation where the individual just spends all his money. To meet this need, a structured settlement receiver may involve the sale of (or, more rarely, expenses) of all or part of a certain periodic future payment for the sum of all at once. Generally the amount of lumpsum is discounted. If a person sells a structured settlement payment right, he will never receive the full amount of the original contracted payment when the individual settles his case and a structured settlement is established. A judge should review the submission and determine that a structured settlement transfer is in the best interest of the payee and any applicable dependents.

Maps Structured settlement factoring transaction


Structured settlements underwent usable explosions beginning in the 1980s. Growth in the United States is likely due to favorable federal income tax treatment for such settlements received as a result of the 1982 amendment of the Internal Revenue Code to add 26 USC Ã, 130.

Beginning in the late 1980s, several small financial institutions began to meet this demand and offer new flexibility for structured payees. Financial commentators and lawyers advise caution in the sale of structured settlements.

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Controversy About "Service" Structured Settlement Payments by Company Factoring Company

The provision of structured settlement payments occurs when a structured payee only sells a portion of their future structured settlement payment rights, but simultaneously with transfer, the factoring company also enters into an agreement to "serve" a settlement of unstructured settlement payments.

In the practice of "serving", a check must be paid to the factoring company, not one to the factoring company and one to the payee. The factoring company receives all structured settlement payments, when it is due from the annuity issuer, takes what is owed to it and "passes" the balance to the payee. This involves issuing a separate check to the payee who is excluded from the account of the factoring company.

It has been alleged that the annuity issuer will not answer the question of the payee whose payment is subject to the service agreement. Some factoring fact industry commentators point out the reason for this phenomenon is that some structured annuity publishers will not "share" annuity payments (ie make payments to more than one place) as if to save on administrative costs. Others say that this practice is driven by factoring companies only as a means of securing new business. Some industry commentators have expressed fears of questioning whether the service agreement is in "best interests" settlement structured settlements.

What they say needs to be addressed is what effects the bankruptcy of the company "service company" factoring will be on the payee, in connection with the payment being served. Until this issue is resolved, payees considering a partial structured settlement transfer should be careful about participating in "service agreements". One possible solution has been proposed is that there is a requirement that the company that serves to post the bonds.

Structured Settlement Factoring Transaction Court Hearing

Retailing Factoring

Discount Rate

Initially, the factoring industry had a relatively high discount rate due to the enormous costs incurred by costly litigation battles and limited access to traditional investors. However, after state and federal legislation came into effect, industry interest rates dropped dramatically.

There is a lot of confusion with the term "discount rate" because the term is used in different ways. The so-called discount rate in a factoring transaction is similar to the interest rate associated with home loans, credit cards, and car loans where the interest rate is applied to the payout flow itself. In factoring transactions, factoring companies know the flow of payments they will buy and apply interest rates to the flow of payments themselves and solve for the amount of funding, as if it were a loan. The discounted price of the factoring company to the consumer can range from 8% to more than 18% but is usually average somewhere in the middle. Factoring discounts can be slightly higher when compared to home mortgage rates, due to the fact that factoring transactions are more than boutique products for investors who oppose massive mortgage deals.

One common mistake in calculating the discount rate is to use "elementary school mathematics" where you take the amount of funding/loan and divide it by the total price of all purchased payments. Because this method ignores the concept of time (and time value of money), the resulting percentage is useless. For example, court in In Re Henderson Receivables Origination v. Campos recorded a 16.8% annual discount rate in which the annuitant received $ 36,500 for the assignment of payments of $ 63,364.94 for 84 months (two monthly payments of $ 672.32 each, starting September 30, 2006 and ending at October 31, 2006, eighty-two monthly payments of $ 692.49 each, an increase of 3% every twelve months, beginning on November 30, 2006 and ending on August 31, 2013). However, having a court in the Henderson Receivables Origination applying the illogical formula of a discount from "elementary school mathematics" ($ 36,500/$ 63,364.94), the discount rate would be 61% astronomical (and unreasonable).

Present Value Discount

Another term commonly used in a factoring transaction is the "present value discount," defined in the National Conference of Insurance Legislators transfer act as "the present value of future payments determined by discounting the payment to date using the most recently issued Federal Applicable The value to determine the present value of the annuity, as issued by the United States Internal Revenue Service. "

The discount rate, also known as the applicable Federal Interest Rate (AFR), is used to determine charitable deductions for many types of planned gifts, such as charity remnants and gift annuities. This ratio is the annual rate of return that the IRS assumes will get the prize asset during the prize period. The IRS discount rate is issued monthly. At Henderson Receivables Origination , the court calculates the current discounted value of $ 63,364.94 to be transferred as $ 50,933.18 based on applicable federal rate of 6.00%.

"Present value discount" is a gauge to determine how much future payments (that is, payments due in 2057) are today. Therefore, the present value of corrected payments corrects inflation and the principle that the money available today is more valuable than money that is inaccessible for 50 years (or some future time). However, the discounted present value is not the same as the market value (what one is willing to pay). In essence, the calculation that discounts future payments based on the IRS tariff is an artificial number because it has nothing to do with the actual sale price of the payment. For example, at Henderson Receivables Origination , it is somewhat confusing for the court to evaluate future payments of $ 63,364.94 based on the current discounted value of $ 50,933.18 because it is not the market value of the payments. In other words, the annuitant can not get out and get $ 50,933.18 for future payments because no one or company is willing to pay that much. Some states will require quotient to be listed on disclosures sent to customers before entering into a contract with a factoring company. The quotient is calculated by dividing the purchase price by the present value of the discount. Shares (like the present value discount) do not provide relevance in the pricing of a factoring transaction. In the Henderson Receivables Origination , the court does consider these outcomes calculated as 71.70% ($ 36,500/$ 50,933.18).

The New York forged structured settlement transfer orders involved ...

United States

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Warning

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has issued a warning to consumers that consumers can receive far less cash than their deposit value. Dealing with companies offering payment at once for their disability, personal injury or structured settlement payments can be risky. Some companies target people with disabilities who have structured settlements. If someone receives a leaflet or promises quick money promise or payment at once for monthly payments, the individual must be careful. The CFPB warns that individuals should consider all options, including talking to a trusted person or to a lawyer or financial counselor, before trading future payments for instant cash.

The CFPB warning follows some high profile news and lawsuits over alleged abusive business practices by companies that purchase structured settlement payments. Some countries have implemented structured settlement protection reforms to minimize violations.



Congress enacted legislation to grant specific tax relief for payments received by tort victims in structured settlements, and to companies that finance it. The payment is tax-free, whereas if the victim of the lawsuit has been given a sum of money and invested it himself, the payment of the investment will be taxed.

Companies love structured settlements because it allows them to evade taxes to some extent, and plaintiffs like them because they allow them to receive tax-exempt payments from what becomes, over time, a much larger amount of money than the original amount payable by depositing parties. Such settlements are also considered to be a very good idea for minors, as they hold secure money for adulthood and ensure that young people will not find the money wasted or spent. "Regardless of the plaintiff's best intentions, settlement of lumpsum payments is often quickly lost due to excessive spending, poor financial management, or a combination of both.Stats show that twenty-five to thirty percent of all cash awards run out within two months, and ninety percent runs out in five years. "

Explanation of Internal Revenue Code section 130 was given during the discussion of the possibility of taxation of companies that purchase future payments under structured settlements. "By enacting PPSA, Congress declares its support of structured settlements, and seeks to protect victims and their families from pressure to prematurely wasting their recovery."

Congress is willing to pay tax benefits based on the belief that losses in income tax will be more than those made by lower spending on public assistance programs for those suffering significant injuries. The strict requirement for a structured settlement to qualify for this tax relief is that victims of the lawsuit are prohibited from accessing their periodic payments before they mature. For this reason the annuity must be owned by someone else in control of it. Victims of the lawsuit can not be seen as having "constructive receipts" of annuity funds prior to their periodic payments. If a victim of a lawsuit can withdraw an annuity at any time, perhaps the IRS may find a build receipt.

According to Joseph M. Mikrut, "Congress conditions favorable rules on the requirement that periodic payments can not be accelerated, suspended, increased or reduced by the wounded." Both House Ways and Means and the Senate Finance Committee Reports state that periodic payments as injury damages personal income can still be excluded only if the recipient does not receive constructively or does not have the current economic benefits of the amount necessary to generate periodic payments. "" This factoring transaction directly undermines the policy objectives underlying a structured settlement tax regime, which protects the needs long-term finance of a wounded man... "

Mikrut is testifying in favor of tax penalties on factoring companies involved in pursuing structured settlement payments. Regardless of the use of a non-assignment clause in an annuity contract to secure tax advantages for victims of the lawsuit, companies are cut off who are trying to take advantage of these people in a "factoring" transaction, purchasing their periodic payments in exchange for a lump lump payment pay greatly discounted.. Congress feels that the factoring company is buying a structured settlement payment "so immediately subverts the Congressional policy underlying a structured settlement and raises such serious concerns for the wounded victim," that the bill is proposed both in the Senate and the House of Representatives to punish the companies involved in the transaction..

Prior to the introduction of IRC 5891, which became effective on 1 July 2002, some countries arranged for the transfer of settlement payments in a structured manner, while others did not. Most countries that manage transfers at present follow a general pattern, much like the current process mandated in IRC 5891 (see below for more details of the post-2002 process). However, most of the transfers processed from 1988 to 2002 were not ordered by the courts. After negotiating terms of the transaction (including payment to be paid and the price to be paid for the payment), an official purchase contract is executed, affecting the assignment of subject payments upon closing. Part of this assignment process also includes the provision of security interest in structured settlement payments, to ensure the performance of the seller's obligations. Submitting a public lien under the security agreement creates a notification of these tasks and interests. Insurance companies that issue structured settlement payments checks are usually not given actual notice of transfer, because of the antagonism by the insurance industry against factoring and transfer of the company. Many annuity publishers are concerned that factoring transactions, which are not intended when Congress is enacted in section 130, may disrupt the tax treatment of eligible assignments. House of Representatives Bill 2884 (discussed below) solves this question for annuity publishers.

federal law

In 2001, Congress passed HR 2884, signed into law by the President in 2002 and effective July 1, 2002, codified on the Internal Revenue Code Ã, 5891. Through the penalty tax punishment penalty, this has created a de facto regulatory paradigm for factoring. industry. In essence, to avoid the excise tax, IRC 5891 requires that all structured factoring transactions must be approved by the state court, in accordance with the laws of a qualified country. Qualified country laws should make certain basic findings, including that transfers are in the best interests of the seller, taking into account the welfare and support of any dependents. In response, many countries enact laws governing the transfer of structured settlements in accordance with this mandate.

Post 2002

Today, all transfers are resolved through a court order process. On January 1, 2013, 47 countries have transfer laws in place that govern the transfer process. Of these, 37 laws are based in whole or in part on the model country laws passed by NCOIL, the National Conference of Insurance Legislators (or, in cases where state laws precede the action of the model, they are substantially similar).

Most state transfer laws contain similar provisions, as follows: (1) pre-contract disclosures that must be made to the seller about the essence of the transaction; (2) notification to certain interested parties; (3) warning to seek professional advice on proposed transfers; and (4) the court's approval of the transfer, including the finding that it is in the interest of the seller, taking into account the welfare and support of any dependents.

In 2005, the ABA Journal, a publication of the American Bar Association, publishes the "Settlement of Settlement Settlement Payment Rights: What the Judge Should Know about the Structured Settlement Protection Act . This article cites "an unusual combination of state legal requirements and federal tax sanctions" and "explains SSPA and its relationship with IRC and discusses some of the key questions that the court needs to address in deciding on SSPA applications."

Federal tax law

Internal Revenue Code section 130 provides a large tax incentive to insurance companies that build "quality" structured settlements. There are other advantages to the original tort inductor (or victim insurance company) in settling payments over time, as they benefit from the time value of money (most provable in the fact that annuities can be bought to fund future payments periodically). payments, and annuity costs are much less than the total amount of all payments to be made from time to time). Finally, the plaintiff's claim also benefits in some way from a structured settlement, especially in the ability to receive periodic payments from annuities that earn investment value during the payment period, and plaintiffs who receive receive total payments, including those in "build" value, tax-exempt.

However, the major disadvantages for structured settlements stem from their inherent in in fl uence. In order to utilize the tax benefits provided to the defendant who choose to settle the case using a structured settlement, the periodic payment shall be subject to compliance with the basic requirements set forth in the Internal Revenue Code section 130 (c). Among other things, payment must be fixed and can be determined, and can not be accelerated, suspended, increased or reduced by the recipient. For many structured settlement recipients, the flow of periodic payments is their only asset. Therefore, as time goes on and as the recipient's personal situation changes in unpredictable ways on the settlement table, demand for liquidity options increases. To compensate for the liquidity problem, most structured settlement recipients, as part of their total settlement, will receive an immediate sum to be invested to meet needs that can not be resolved properly through the use of a structured settlement.

Best Interest Standard

Internal Revenue Code Sec. 5891 and most state laws require that courts find that the proposed factoring transaction is in the best interests of the seller, taking into account the welfare and support of any dependents. "Best interests" are generally not defined, which gives the judge the flexibility to make subjective decisions on a case-by-case basis. Some state laws may require judges to look at factors such as "intended use of funds," the recipient's mental and physical capacity, and potential seller's need for future medical care. A Minnesota court described "best standards of interest" as a determination involving "global considerations of the facts, circumstances, and means of support available to the payee and his dependents."

Courts have consistently found that the "best interest standard" is not limited to cases of financial difficulties. Therefore, transfers may be in the best interests of the seller as they enable them to take advantage of opportunities (ie, buy a new house, start a business, attend college, etc.) or to avoid disaster (eg, Paying for unexpected member medical care, paying increased debt, etc.). For example, a New Jersey court found that transactions are in the best interest of the seller where the funds are used to "pay bills... and to buy a house and marry."

Although sometimes criticized for being unclear, the best standard of absence of the right definition allows for flexibility in judicial review. The court may consider on a case-by-case basis the circumstances surrounding the transfer to determine whether it should be approved.

Protection | Structured Settlement Payout |

See also

  • Structured settlement
  • Personal injuries
  • Annuity
  • Number of paralyzed
  • Tort
  • Internal Revenue Code
  • Swap (finance)


Source of the article : Wikipedia
