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Where did the Hippies go? | Politics Now

A hippie (sometimes spelled hippy ) is a member of a counter-culture, originally a youth movement that began in the United States during the mid-1960s and spread to countries others around the world. The word hippie comes from hipster and is used to describe beatniks who moved to Greenwich Village in New York City and the San Francisco Haight-Ashbury district. The term hippie was first discovered in San Francisco by Herb Caen, a journalist for the San Francisco Chronicle .

The origin of the terms hip and hep is uncertain. By the 1940s, both had become part of the African American jade slang and meant "sophisticated, now fashionable, fully up-to-date". Beats adopts the term hip , and the early hippies inherit the language and countercultural values ​​of the Beat Generation. Hippies created their own community, listened to psychedelic music, embraced the sexual revolution, and used many drugs such as marijuana, LSD, peyote and psilocybin mushrooms to explore changing states of consciousness.

In 1967, Be-Man Man in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, popularized the hippie culture, leading to Summer of Love on the West Coast of the United States, and the 1969 Woodstock Festival on the East Coast. Hippies in Mexico, known as jipitecas , formed La Onda and gathered at AvÃÆ'¡ndaro, while in New Zealand, nomadic housetruckers adopted an alternative lifestyle and promoted sustainable energy at Nambassa. In the UK in 1970, many gathered in the enormous Isle of Wight Festival with a crowd of about 400,000 people. In the following years, mobile "peace convoys" from New Age explorers make summer pilgrimages to free music festivals at Stonehenge and elsewhere. In Australia, hippies gather at Nimbin for the 1973 Aquarius Festival and the annual Cannabis or MardiGrass Law Reform Rally. "Piedra Roja Festival", a major hippie event in Chile, was held in 1970. Hippies and psychedelic cultures influenced young cultures of the 1960s and early 1970s in Iron Curtain countries in Europe East (see MÃÆ'¡ ni? Ka ).

Hippie fashion and values ​​have a profound influence on culture, influencing popular music, television, movies, literature, and the arts. Since the 1960s, mainstream society has assimilated many aspects of the hippie culture. The diversity of religions and cultures adopted by hippies has been widely accepted, and Eastern philosophy and spiritual concepts have reached a larger audience.

Video Hippie


Lexicographer Jesse Sheidlower, the principal editor of the United States of Oxford English Dictionary, argues that the terms hipster and hippie are derived from the word hip , whose origins are unknown. The word hip in the sense of "know, in the know" was first proved in the 1902 cartoon by Tad Dorgan, and first appeared in prose in the 1904 novel by George Vere Hobart (1867-1926), > Jim Hickey: A Story of the One-Night Stand , where an African-American character uses the slang phrase "Are you hip?"

The term hipster was invented by Harry Gibson in 1944. In the 1940s, the terms hip , hey and hepcat popular in Harlem jazz slang, though hep finally came to show inferior status to hip . In Greenwich Village in the early 1960s, New York City, a young counter-cultural advocate was named hip because they were considered "know" or "cool", instead of square . In the April 27, 1961 issue of The Village Voice, "The open letter to JFK & Fidel Castro", Norman Mailer uses the term hippies, questioning JFK's behavior. In the 1961 essay, Kenneth Rexroth uses both hipster terms and hippies to refer to young people participating in black American or Beatnik nightlife. According to the autobiography of 1964 Malcolm X, the hippie word in the 1940s Harlem has been used to describe a special type of white man who "acts more Negro than the Negro". Andrew Loog Oldham refers to "all Chicago hippies," which seems to refer to blues/R & B black, on his back arm note to LP 1965 The Rolling Stones, Now!

The hippie word is also used in reference to Philadelphia in at least two popular songs in 1963: South Street by The Orlons, and You Can not Sit Down by The Dovells. In both songs, the term is applied to South Street residents of Philadelphia.

Although the word hippies made other isolated appearances in print during the early 1960s, the first use of the term on the West Coast appeared in the article "A New Paradise for Beatniks" (at San Francisco Examiner , edition 5 September 1965) by San Francisco journalist Michael Fallon. In the article, Fallon writes about the Blue Unicorn Cafe (located at 1927 Hayes Street in the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco), using the term hippie to refer to a new generation of beatniks that moved from North Beach to the Haight-Ashbury district. The New York Times editor and author of Theodore M. Bernstein says that paper changed the spelling from hippy to hippie to avoid an ambiguous clothing description as hippy mode .

Maps Hippie



A July 1968 magazine study of hippie philosophy credited the foundations of the hippie movement with historical precedents as far as Sadhu India, the spiritual seekers who have left the world by taking "Sannyas". Even Ancient Greek counter-culture, embraced by philosophers such as Diogenes of Sinope and the Cynics is also an early form of hippie culture. It is also called an important influence of the religious and spiritual teachings of Henry David Thoreau, Hillel Elder, Jesus, Buddha, St. Francis of Assisi, Gandhi, and J.R.R. Tolkien.

The first signs of modern "proto-hippies" appear in European countries. Between 1896 and 1908, the German youth movement emerged as a counter-cultural reaction to an organized social and cultural club centered around German folk music. Known as "Der Wandervogel" ("wandering bird"), the hippie movement opposes the formalities of traditional German clubs, rather than emphasizing amateur music and songs, creative outfits, and joint events involving hiking and camping. Inspired by the works of Friedrich Nietzsche, Goethe, Hermann Hesse, and Eduard Baltzer, Wandervogel attracted thousands of young Germans who resisted the rapid trend toward urbanization and longed for the spiritual life of pagan ancestors, returning to nature. During the first few decades of the 20th century, the Germans settled around the United States, bringing Wandervogel's values ​​with them. Some opened the first health food store, and many moved to southern California where they could practice alternative lifestyles in a warm climate. Over time, American youth adopted the beliefs and practices of new immigrants. One group, called "Children of Nature", descended into the California desert and picked up organic food, supporting a return to nature like Wandervogel. Songwriter eden ahbez wrote a hit song titled Nature Boy inspired by Robert Bootzin (Gypsy Boots), which helped popularize health, yoga and organic food awareness in the United States.

Like Wandervogel, the hippie movement in the United States began as a youth movement. Mostly composed of white teenagers and young adults between 15 and 25 years old, hippies inherited a tradition of cultural differences from bohemians and beatniks of the Beat Generation in the late 1950s. Beats like Allen Ginsberg crossed from the beat movement and became the outfit of the growing hippie and anti-war movement. By 1965, hippies had become established social groups in the United States, and the movement eventually extended to other countries, extending to England and Europe, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Japan, Mexico and Brazil. The hippie ethos affects the Beatles and others in Britain and other parts of Europe, and they in turn affect their American counterparts. The Hippie culture spread throughout the world through a mixture of rock, folk, blues, and psychedelic rock; it also finds expression in literature, drama art, fashion, and visual arts, including movies, rock concert ad posters, and album covers. In 1968, self-described hippies represented nearly 0.2% of the US population and dwindled in the mid-1970s.

Along with the New Left and Civil Rights Movements, the hippie movement is one of three distinct groups from the 1960s. Hippies rejected established institutions, criticized the values ​​of the middle class, opposed nuclear weapons and the Vietnam War, embraced aspects of Eastern philosophy, supported sexual liberation, were often vegetarian and environmentally friendly, promoted the use of psychedelic drugs that they believed expanded one's consciousness, community or communal deliberate. They use alternative art, street theater, folk music, and psychedelic rock as part of their lifestyle and as a way of expressing their feelings, their protests and their vision of the world and life. Hippies oppose political and social orthodoxy, choose soft ideologies and nondoctrinaires who love peace, love, and personal freedom, expressed for example in the song The Beatles "All You Need is Love". Hippies regard the dominant culture as a corrupt monolithic entity that uses undue power over their lives, calling this culture "The Establishment", "Big Brother", or "The Man". Noting that they are "seekers of meaning and value", scholars like Timothy Miller describe hippies as a new religious movement.

1958-1966: The early Hadith

During the late 1950s and early 1960s, novelist Ken Kesey and Merry Pranksters lived communally in California. Members include heroes of Beat Generation Neal Cassady, Ken Babbs, Carolyn Adams (aka Mountain Girl/Carolyn Garcia), Stewart Brand, Del Close, Paul Foster, George Walker, Sandy Lehmann-Haupt and others. Their initial escape is documented in Tom Wolfe's Kool-Aid Electric Acid Test . With Cassady at the school bus wheel Next, Pranksters Merry travels across the United States to celebrate the publication of Kesey's "Sometimes Great Notion" novel and to visit the 1964 World Exposition in New York City. The Merry Pranksters are known for using marijuana, amphetamines, and LSD, and during their journey they "light up" many people for these drugs. The Merry Pranksters film and record their bus journey, creating an immersive multimedia experience that will be presented to the public in festivals and concerts. The Grateful Dead wrote a song about a Merry Pranksters bus journey called "That For the Other". In 1961, Vito Paulekas and his wife Szou set up a clothing boutique in Hollywood that was regarded as one of the first to introduce "hippie" fashion.

During this period Greenwich Village in New York City and Berkeley, California anchored on American folk music circuits. Berkeley's two coffee shops, Krimery Cabale and Jabberwock, a show sponsored by folk music artists in a beat setting. In April 1963, Chandler A. Laughlin III, one of the founders of Cabale Creamery, formed a kind of tribal family identity among about fifty people attending a Native American peyote ceremony all night in a rural setting. This ceremony combines the psychedelic experience with traditional Native American spiritual values; these guys then sponsored a unique genre of musical expressions and performances at the Red Dog Saloon in an isolated old mining town in Virginia City, Nevada.

During the summer of 1965, Laughlin recruited many original talents that led to a unique mix of traditional folk music and the growing psychedelic rock scene. He and his colleagues created what is known as "The Red Dog Experience", featuring previously unknown musical acts - Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, Big Brother and Holding Company, Quicksilver Messenger Service, The Charlatans, and others - playing a completely renewed and intimate setting of the Red Dog Saloon in Virginia City. There is no clear portrayal of the "players" and "spectators" in "The Red Dog Experience", where music, psychedelic experiments, personal sense of personal style and Bill Ham's first light show combined to create a new sense of community. Laughlin and George Hunter of Charlatans are true "proto-hippies", with long hair, boots and outrageous 19th century American (and Native American) heritage. LSD Manufacturer Owsley Stanley lived in Berkeley during 1965 and provided much of the LSD that became an important part of the "Red Dogs Experience", the early evolution of psychedelic rock and a thriving hippie culture. At Red Dog Saloon, The Charlatans is the first psychedelic rock band to play directly (though unintentionally) loaded on LSD.

When they returned to San Francisco, Red Dog Luria Castell, Ellen Harman, and Alton Kelley created a collective called "The Family Dog." Modeled on their Red Dog experience, on October 16, 1965, the Family Dog hosted "A Tribute to Dr. Strange" at Longshoreman's Hall. Attended by some 1,000 authentic Bay Area "hippies", this is San Francisco's first psychedelic rock show, costume dance and light show, featuring Jefferson Airplane, The Great Society and The Marbles. Two other events followed before the end of the year, one in California Hall and one in the Matrix. After the first three Family Dog events, a much larger psychedelic event took place in San Francisco's Longshoreman's Hall. Called "The Trips Festival", it took place on 21 - 23 January 1966, and was organized by Stewart Brand, Ken Kesey, Owsley Stanley and others. Ten thousand people attended this sold-out show, with thousands more turning each night. On Saturday 22 January, the Grateful Dead and Big Brother and Holding Company appeared on stage, and 6,000 people arrived to shower Spik with LSD and witness one of the most developed light shows of the era.

In February 1966, Family Dog became Family Dog Productions under the organizers of Chet Helms, promoting events at the Avalon Ballroom and Fillmore Auditorium in an early collaboration with Bill Graham. Avalon Ballroom, Fillmore Auditorium, and other venues provide an arrangement where participants can enjoy a full psychedelic music experience. Bill Ham, who has pioneered the original Red Dog light, perfected his liquid light projection, which incorporated light and projection film shows and became synonymous with the San Francisco ballroom experience. The feelings of style and costumes that began at the Red Dog Saloon flourished when the Fox Theater of San Francisco out of business and the hippies bought up the stock of the costumes, enjoying the freedom to dress up for weekly music performances in their favorite ballroom. Like the San Francisco Chronicle music columnist Ralph J. Gleason said, "They danced through the night, orgy, spontaneous, and completely free."

Some of the earliest hippies in San Francisco are former students at San Francisco State College who became interested in the development of the thriving hippie world. These students joined their beloved bands, living together in large, cheap, Victorian-style apartments in Haight-Ashbury. American youth across the country started moving to San Francisco, and in June 1966, about 15,000 hippies moved to Haight. The Charlatan, Jefferson Airplane, Big Brother and Holding Company, and the Grateful Dead all moved into the Haight-Ashbury neighborhood of San Francisco during this period. Activities centered around Diggers, a guerrilla street theater group that combines spontaneous street theater, anarchist action, and art events on their agenda to create a "free city". In late 1966, The Diggers opened a free store that only distributed their stock, provided free food, distributed free medicines, gave money, organized free music concerts, and featured political artwork.

On October 6, 1966, the state of California declared LSD as a controlled substance, which made the drug illegal. In response to the criminalization of psychedelics, the hippies of San Francisco held a meeting at Golden Gate Park, called the Rally Love Pageant, drawing around 700-800 people. As explained by Allan Cohen, co-founder of the San Francisco Oracle, the purpose of the rally is twofold: to draw attention to the fact that LSD has just been made illegal - and to show that people using LSD are not criminals, they are also not mentally ill. The Grateful Dead is played, and some sources claim that LSD is consumed at rallies. According to Cohen, those who take LSD "are innocent of using illegal substances... We celebrate transcendental awareness, the beauty of the universe, the beauty of existence."

The Sunset Strip curfew riot, also known as "hippie melee," is a series of early counter-cultural clashes that occurred between police and young people on the Sunset Strip in Hollywood, California, in 1966 and continues and not active through the early 1970s. In 1966, disturbed residents and business owners in the district had encouraged enforcement of curfew and strict letting (10:00 pm) to reduce traffic congestion due to a crowd of young club visitors. This was felt by young local rock fans as a violation of their civil rights, and on Saturday, November 12, 1966, leaflets were distributed along the Strip which invited people to demonstrate in the future. A few hours before the protest, one of the rock radio stations A'N 'roll announced there would be a rally at Pandora's Box, a club on the corner of Sunset Boulevard and Crescent Heights, and warned people to tread carefully. The Los Angeles Times reported that as many as 1,000 young protesters, including celebrities such as Jack Nicholson and Peter Fonda (who were subsequently handcuffed by police), erupted in protest against the repressive enforcement that was considered to be recently called the curfew rule. This incident provided the basis for a low-budget junior exploitation film 1967 on Riot on Sunset Strip, and inspired several songs including Buffalo Springfield's famous song "For What It's Worth".

19: Summer of Love


On January 14, 1967, Human Be-In hosted by Michael Bowen helped popularize the hippie culture throughout the United States, with 20,000 hippies gathered at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. On March 26, Lou Reed, Edie Sedgwick, and 10,000 hippies gathered together in Manhattan for Central Park Be-In on Easter Sunday. The Monterey Pop Festival from June 16 to June 18 introduces rock music from rivals to a wide audience and marks the start of "Summer of Love". Scott McKenzie's song from John Phillips, "San Francisco", became a hit in the United States and Europe. The lyrics, "If you're going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair", inspire thousands of young people from all over the world to travel to San Francisco, sometimes wearing flowers in their hair and passing flowers to passersby, gave them the name, "Flower Boy". Bands like Grateful Dead, Big Brother and Holding Company (with Janis Joplin), and Jefferson Airplane live in Haight.

In June 1967, Herb Caen was approached by "a leading magazine" to write about why hippies were attracted to San Francisco. He refused the assignment but interviewed the hippies in Haight for his own newspaper column at the San Francisco Chronicle. Caen decided that, "Except in their music, they do not care about the approval of the righteous world." Caen himself felt that the city of San Francisco was so straight that it gave a clear contrast to the hippie culture. On July 7th, Time magazine featured a cover story titled, "The Hippies: The Philosophy of a Subculture." The article explains the hippie code guidelines: "Do your own thing, wherever you need to do it and whenever you want.Connect.Leave the community as you know.Let it completely, Blow the thoughts of every straighteous person you can achieve.Change them, if not into medicine, then to beauty, love, honesty, pleasure. "An estimated 100,000 people traveled to San Francisco in the summer of 1967. The media were just behind them, highlighting the Haight-Ashbury district and popularizing the label "hippie". With this increased interest, hippies find support for their ideals of love and peace but are also criticized for their work ethic, pro-drug, and permissiveness.

At this point, The Beatles have released their innovative album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band is quickly embraced by the hippie movement with its colorful psychedelic sonic imagery.

At the end of the summer, the Haight-Ashbury scene has worsened. Media coverage unremittingly made Diggers announce hippie "death" with the parade. According to the poet Susan 'Stormi' Chambless, the hippies buried a hippie statue in the Panhandle to demonstrate the end of his reign. Haight-Ashbury can not accommodate the entry of crowds (mostly naive young people) without shelter. Many live on the street, nag and deal with drugs. There are problems with malnutrition, illness, and drug addiction. Crime and violence skyrocket. None of these trends reflect what the hippies have dreamed of. By the end of 1967, many hippies and musicians who started Summer of Love had moved on. Beatle George Harrison had visited Haight-Ashbury and found it was just a drop-off place for drop-outs, which inspired him to surrender to LSD. Thoughts about hippie culture, especially with regard to drug abuse and soft morality, triggered moral panic in the late 1960s.

1967-1969: Revolution

In 1968, hippie-influenced fashions began to take off in the mainstream, especially for youth and young adults from the many generations of Baby Boomers, many of whom may want to emulate the hardcore movements that now live in the tribal communes but have no there is an open connection to them. It is noted not only in terms of clothing and also longer hair for men, but also in music, movies, art, and literature, and not only in the US, but around the world. The brief presidential campaign Eugene McCarthy managed to persuade a significant minority of young adults to "get clean for Gene" by shaving their beards or wearing longer skirts; However, the "Clean Gen" has little effect on the popular image in the media spotlight, from the fluffy hippy embellished with beads, feathers, flowers, and bells.

This sign is the visibility that hippie subculture is obtained in various mainstream and underground media. The Hippie exploitation film is a 1960s exploit film about hippie counterculture with stereotypical situations associated with movements such as the use of marijuana and LSD, sex and wild psychedelic parties. Examples include The Love-ins , Psych-Out , The Trip , and Wild in the Streets . More serious and more critical films about hippie counterculture also appear like Easy Rider and Alice's Restaurant . (See also: List of films related to the hippie subculture.) Documentaries and television programs have also been produced to date and fiction and nonfiction books. The popular Broadway musical Hair was presented in 1967.

People generally call other cultural movements of the day as hippies, but there are differences. For example, hippies are often not directly involved in politics, unlike the "Yippies" (Youth International Party), an activist organization. Yippies became a national concern during the spring spring celebrations of 1968, when about 3,000 of them took over the Grand Central Terminal in New York - eventually resulting in 61 arrests. Yippies, especially their leaders Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin, became famous for their plays, such as trying to drift into the Pentagon during the October 1967 war protests, and slogans such as "Get up and leave creeping meatballs!" Their desire to protest the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago in August, including nominating their own candidate, "Lyndon Pigasus Pig" (real pig), is also widely published in the media at this time.

At Cambridge, hippies gather every Sunday for a great "be-in" at Cambridge Park with a herd of drummers and those who started the Women's Movement. In the US, the Hippie movement began to be seen as part of the "New Left" linked to the anti-war campus protest movement. The New Left is a term used primarily in the United Kingdom and the United States that refers to activists, educators, agitators and others in the 1960s and 1970s who seek to apply various reforms on issues such as gay rights, abortion, roles gender and drugs opposed to the previous leftist or Marxist movement that have taken a more vanguardist approach to social justice and focus more on unions and social class questions.

In April 1969, the development of People's Park in Berkeley, California received international attention. The University of California, Berkeley has destroyed all buildings on a 2.8 hectare (11,000 m 2 ) near campus, intending to use the land to build playgrounds and parking lots. After a long delay, where the site became a treacherous sight, thousands of ordinary Berkeleys, merchants, students, and hippies took matters into their own hands, planted trees, shrubs, flowers and grass to turn the land into a garden. A major confrontation occurred on May 15, 1969, when Governor Ronald Reagan ordered the destroyed park, which resulted in a two-week occupation of Berkeley by the California National Guard. The power of interest came alone during this occupation as a hippie involved in civil disobedience acts to plant flowers in a hollow stretch across Berkeley under the slogan "Let a Thousand Parks Bloom".

In August 1969, the Woodstock Music and Art Fair took place in Bethel, New York, which for many, is the best example of hippie counterculture. Over 500,000 people arrived to hear some of the most famous musicians and bands of the era, among them Kalengan Panas, Richie Havens, Joan Baez, Janis Joplin, The Grateful Dead, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Crosby, Stills, Nash & amp; Young, Carlos Santana, Sly & amp; Stone Family, The Who, Jefferson Airplane, and Jimi Hendrix. Gravity's Hog Farm provides security and fulfills practical needs, and the ideals of hippie love and human fellowship seem to have gained real-world expression. Similar rock festivals occur in other parts of the country, which play an important role in spreading the hippie ideals across America.

In December 1969, a rock festival took place in Altamont, California, about 45 km (30 miles) east of San Francisco. Originally referred to as "Woodstock West", its official name is The Altamont Free Concert. About 300,000 people gathered to hear The Rolling Stones; Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young; Jefferson Airplane and other bands. Hells Angels provides security that proves far less good than the security provided at the Woodstock show: 18-year-old Meredith Hunter was stabbed and killed by one of the Hells Angels during the Rolling Stones appearance after he pointed a gun and waved it to the stage.

1970-present: Aftershock

In the 1970s, the 1960s zeitgeist that has spawned a hippie culture seems to be diminishing. Events at the Altamont Free Concert shocked many Americans, including those who were deeply identified with the hippie culture. Other surprises came in the form of the murders of Sharon Tate and Leno and Rosemary LaBianca conducted in August 1969 by Charles Manson and his "family" followers. However, the turbulent political atmosphere featuring Cambodian bombings and shootings by the National Guardsmen at Jackson State University and Kent State University still unites people. The shooting inspired the May 1970 song by Quicksilver Messenger Service "What About Me?", Where they sang, "You keep adding my numbers when you shoot my person down", as well as Neil Young "Ohio", a song that protests against US expansion from the Vietnam War to Cambodia, recorded by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young.

Many hippie styles have been integrated into mainstream American society in the early 1970s. Large rock concerts from the 1967 Fantasy Fair KFRC and Magic Mountain Music Festival and the Monterey Pop Festival and the British Isle of Wight Festival in 1968 became the norm, evolving into stadium rocks in the process. The anti-war movement culminated in the 1971 Labor Day protest because more than 12,000 protesters were arrested in Washington DC. President Nixon himself actually ventured out of the White House and talked to a group of 'hippie' protesters. The draft ended shortly thereafter, in 1973. During the mid-1970s, with the end of the draft and the Vietnam War, the update of patriotic sentiments linked to the US Bicentennial approach and the emergence of punk in London, Manchester, New York and Los Angeles, the mainstream media lost interest on hippie counterculture. At the same time there is a revival of the Mod subculture, skinheads, teddy boys and the emergence of new youth cultures, such as goth (punk artistic branches) and casual football. Acid stones give way to prog rock, heavy metal, disco, and punk rock.

Beginning in the late 1960s, the hippies began to be attacked by the skinheads. The hippies are also slandered and sometimes attacked by punk, mod revivalists, greasers, casual football, Teddy boys, metalheads, rockers, rednecks, rough boys, gangsters and other youth subcultures members in the 1970s and 1980s, in North America and Europe. Counter-culture movements are also under covert attack by the famous J. Edgar Hoover "Counter Intelligence Program" (COINTELPRO), but in some countries it is another group of youths who pose a threat. The ideals of Hippie have a clear influence on anarcho-punk and some post-punk youth subcultures, especially during the Summer of Second Love.

The Hippie commune, where members strive for the ideal life of the hippie movement, continues to flourish. On the west coast, Oregon has several. Some faded. Some still exist.

While many hippies make a long-term commitment to lifestyle, some argue that hippies "sold out" during the 1980s and become part of a materialist consumer culture. Although it does not look like it used to be, hippie culture never dies completely: hippies and neo-hippies can still be found on campuses, in communes, and at meetings and festivals. Many embrace the values ​​of hippie peace, love, and community, and hippies may still be found in bohemian enclaves around the world.

Towards the end of the 20th century, the trend of "cyber hippies" emerged, which embraced some of the qualities of the 1960s psychedelic collision. The hippie subculture is also associated with a psychedelic trance or psytrance scene, born from the Goa scene in India.

Ladies Womens Hippie Hippy Fancy Dress Costume 60s 70s Groovy ...

Ethos and characteristics

The bohemian predecessors of the hippie culture in San Francisco are the "Beat Generation" style of coffee shops and bars, whose customers value literature, chess games, music (in jazz and folk style), modern dance, and traditional crafts and art such as pottery and Paint. "The whole tone of the new subculture is different." Jon McIntire, the Grateful Dead manager from the late sixties to the mid-eighties, pointed out that the contribution of the hippie culture is a projection of this joy. The beatnik was black, cynical, and cold. "Hippies try to free themselves from society's restrictions, choose their own way, and discover new meaning in life One of the expression of hippie independence from social norms is found in their standard of dress and grooming, which makes hippies instantly recognizable to each other, as a visual symbol of their respect for the rights of the individual.Hrough their appearance, hippies express their willingness to question authority, and distance themselves from the "straight" and "square" (ie, conformist) segments of society. tends to be associated with hippies is "altruism and mysticism, honesty, joy and nonviolence".

At the same time, many hippy-thinking luminaries distance themselves from the idea that one's dress can be a reliable signal about who he is - especially after real-time criminals such as Charles Manson begin to adopt the superficial characteristics of hippies, and also after plainclothes police began to "dress like hippies" to divide and conquer legitimate members of the rival. Frank Zappa, famous for insulting hippie ethos, especially with songs like "Who Needs the Peace Corps?" (1968), admonished his audience that "we all wear uniforms". The San Francisco clown/hippie Wavy Gravy said in 1987 that he could still see his fellow feelings in the eyes of Market Street entrepreneurs who had dressed conventionally to survive.

Art and fashion

Leading supporters of the 1960s Art Psychedelic movement are San Francisco poster artists such as Rick Griffin, Victor Moscoso, Bonnie MacLean, Stanley Mouse & amp; Alton Kelley, and Wes Wilson. Their Psychedelic Rock concert posters were inspired by Art Nouveau, Victoriana, Dada, and Pop Art. Posters for a concert at Fillmore West, a concert auditorium in San Francisco, popular among Hippie audiences, including the most famous at the time. Rich colors that are saturated with striking contrasts, intricate writing, very symmetrical compositions, collage elements, rubber-like distortions, and odd iconography are the features of San Francisco's psychicellic poster art style. The style evolved from around 1966 to 1972. Their work soon had an effect on the album cover, and indeed all the artists mentioned above also made album covers. Psychedelic light show is a new art form developed for rock concerts. Using oils and dyes in emulsions mounted between large convex lenses above the projector, the lightshow artists create liquid visual bubbles that pulsate in rhythm to the music. It is mixed with slide shows and loop films to create improvisational art form, and to provide visual representation to the improvisational sidelines of the rock bands and create a fully "trippy" atmosphere for the audience.

The Brotherhood of Light is responsible for many light shows at San Francisco's psychedelic rock concert. Outside the psychedelic rival there also appears a new genre of comic books: underground comix. Zap Comix is one of the original underground comics, and features works by Robert Crumb, S. Clay Wilson, Victor Moscoso, Rick Griffin, and Robert Williams. Comix underground is rough, very satirical, and seems to pursue strangeness for the sake of weirdness. Gilbert Shelton invents perhaps the most enduring underground cartoon character, "The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers", which exploits an all-out mirror-held hippie lifestyle of the 1960s.

As in the beat movements that preceded them, and the subsequent punk movement, hippie symbols and iconography were deliberately borrowed from a "low" or "primitive" culture, with hippie styles reflecting irregular and often vagrant styles. Like other teenagers, the white middle-class movement, deviant behavior of the involved hippies challenges the gender differences that apply to their time: men and women in hippie movements wear jeans and keep long hair, and both sexes wear sandals, moccasins or go without footwear. Men often wear beards, while women wear little or no makeup, with many who do not want a bra. Hippies often choose brightly colored outfits and wear unusual styles, such as bel-bottom pants, vests, clothing from ties, dashikis, peasant blouses, and full-length skirts; non-Western inspired clothes with Native American, Asian, African and Latin American motifs are also popular. Many hippie outfits are made on their own by deviating from corporate culture, and hippies often buy their clothes from flea markets and thrift stores. Favorable accessories for men and women include original American jewelry, head scarf, headband and long beaded necklace. Hippie houses, vehicles, and other items are often decorated with psychedelic art. Bold colors, handmade clothing and loose clothing that did not fit into tight clothes and uniforms in the 1940s and 1950s. It also rejects consumerism in terms of production of the so-called clothing for self-efficacy and individuality.

Love and sex

A common stereotype about love and sex says that hippies "hang out, do wild sex parties, seduce innocent teenagers and all kinds of sexual aberrations." The hippie movement appears simultaneously in the midst of an escalating sexual revolution, in which many views of the status quo on this subject are challenged.

Clinical studies of Human Sexual Response were published by the Masters and Johnson in 1966, and the topic suddenly became more common in America. Book 1969 Everything You Always Want to Know About Sex (But Fear Asked) by psychiatrist David Reuben is a more popular attempt at answering public curiosity about such matters. Then in 1972 came the Joy of Sex by Alex Comfort, reflecting a more honest perception about making love. At this time, the recreational or 'fun' aspects of sexual behavior are being discussed more openly than ever before, and this more 'enlightened' view is generated not only from the publication of new books like this, but from the wider sexual revolution. which has been going well for some time.

The hippies inherited various contra cultural views and practices about the sex and love of the Beat Generation; "Their writing affects hippies to open up when having sex, and experiment without guilt or jealousy." One popular hippie slogan that comes up is "If it feels good, do it!" which for many people "means you are free to love anyone you love, whenever you are happy, however happy you are." This encourages spontaneous sexual activity and experimentation. Group sex, public sex... homosexuality under the influence of drugs, all taboo out window. This does not mean that righteous sex... or monogamy is unknown, just the opposite. However, open relationships become an accepted part of the hippy lifestyle. This means that you may have a key relationship with one person, but if another attracts you, you can explore the relationship without being grudging or jealous. "

Hippies embraced the old free love slogan of radical social reformers from another era; it is well suited to observe that "Free love makes all love, marriage, gender, baby package obsolete." Love is no longer confined to one person, you can love whoever you choose.Even love is something you share with everyone, not just You are a sex partner Love is there to share freely We also find the more you share, the more you get! So why reserve your love for some choices? This deep truth is one of the great hippie revelations. "Shared sexual experiments psychedelic also occurs, because their perception becomes unpaired. Others explore the spiritual aspect of sex.


Hippies tend to travel light, and can take and go wherever the action is at any time. Whether in the "in-love" at Mount Tamalpais near San Francisco, a demonstration against the Vietnam War at Berkeley, or one of Ken Kesey's "Acid Test", if the "vibration" is not correct and the scene change is desired, the hippies move on the spot. Planning is avoided, because hippies love to put some clothes in backpacks, stick their thumbs and ride anywhere. The hippies are rarely worried about whether they have money, hotel reservations or other standard travel equipment. The Hippie household welcomes the evening guests on impromptu grounds, and the reciprocal nature of the lifestyle allows for greater freedom of movement. People generally work together to meet their individual needs in a way that became less common after the early 1970s. This way of life is still visible among Rainbow Family groups, new age travelers, and New Zealand lover.

These free-flow travel styles are hippie and bus trucks, handmade car homes built on trucks or bus chassis to facilitate a nomadic lifestyle, as documented in your 1974 Roll Yourself book. Some of these mobile gypsy homes are quite complicated, with beds, toilets, showers and cooking facilities.

On the West Coast, a unique lifestyle developed around the Renaissance Faires was first held by Phyllis and Ron Patterson in 1963. During the summer and fall months, the whole family traveled together on their trucks and buses, parked in places Renaissance Pleasure Faire in Southern and Northern California, work their craft for a week, and wear Elizabethan costumes for weekend performances, and attend a booth where handmade items are sold to the public. The large number of youths living at the time made for unprecedented travel opportunities for special events. The peak experience of this type is the Woodstock Festival near Bethel, New York, from 15 to 18 August 1969, which draws between 400,000 and 500,000 people.

Hippie Trail

One travel experience, conducted by hundreds of thousands of hippies between 1969 and 1971, was the route of the Hippie land route to India. Bring little or no luggage, and with a small amount of cash, almost all follow the same route, hiking in Europe to Athens and to Istanbul, then by train through central Turkey via Erzurum, followed by buses to Iran via Tabriz and Tehran to Mashhad, across the Afghan border into Herat, through southern Afghanistan via Kandahar to Kabul, passing the Khyber Pass to Pakistan, via Rawalpindi and Lahore to the Indian border. Once in India, the hippies go to various destinations, but gather in large numbers on the beaches of Goa and Kovalam in Trivandrum (Kerala), or cross the border into Nepal to spend a few months in Kathmandu. In Kathmandu, most hippies gather in a quiet neighborhood in a place called Freak Street, (Nepal Bhasa: Jhoo Chhen) that is still near Kathmandu Durbar Square.

Spirituality and religion

Many hippies reject the mainstream-organized religion that supports a more personal spiritual experience. Buddhism, Hinduism, Sufism often resonates with hippies, because they are seen as less bound by rules, and tend to be unrelated to existing baggage. Some hippies embraced neo-paganism, especially Wicca. Others are involved with the occult, with people like Timothy Leary quoting Aleister Crowley as his influence. In the 1960s, western interest in Hindu spirituality and yoga reached its peak, causing a large number of Neo-Hindu schools that specifically advocated the western public.

In his 1991 book, "Hippies and American Values," Timothy Miller describes the hippie ethos essentially as a "religious movement" whose purpose is to overcome the limitations of mainstream religious institutions. "Like many different religions, hippies are very hostile to the religious institutions of the dominant culture, and they are trying to find new and sufficient ways to perform tasks that are not done by dominant religions." In his work, The Hippie Trip, author Lewis Yablonsky notes that those most respected in the hippie setting are spiritual leaders, called "high priests" who emerged during that era.

One of the hippie "high priests" is San Francisco University Professor Stephen Gaskin. Beginning in 1966, Gaskin's "Monday Night Class" eventually surpassed the lecture hall, and attracted 1,500 hippie followers in an open discussion of spiritual values, drawn from Christian, Buddhist and Hindu teachings. In 1970 Gaskin founded a Tennessee community called The Farm, and he still registered his religion as "Hippie."

Timothy Leary is an American psychologist and author, known for his defense of psychedelic drugs. On 19 September 1966, Leary founded the League for Spiritual Discovery, a religion claiming LSD as its sacrament, in part as a failed attempt to maintain legal status for the use of LSD and other psychedelics for believers based on "freedom". religious argument. The Psychedelic Experience is the inspiration for John Lennon's song "Tomorrow Never Knows" on The Beatles Revolver album. He published a pamphlet in 1967 called Starting Your Own Religion to encourage it and invited to attend January 14, 1967 Be-Man Man meeting 30,000 hippies at Golden Gate Park San Francisco In speaking to the group, he created the famous words "Turn on, listen, drop out". British magician Aleister Crowley became an icon that influenced the new alternative spiritual movement in this decade and also for rock musicians. The Beatles put it as one of the many characters on the cover cover of their 1967 album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band while Jimmy Page, guitarist of The Yardbirds and co-founder of the 1970s rock band Led Zeppelin was fascinated by Crowley, and had some clothes, manuscripts, and ritual objects, and during the 1970s purchased Boleskine House, which also appeared in the band The Song Remains the Same . On the back cover of the Doors 13 compilation album, Jim Morrison and other members of the Door are shown posing with Aleister Crowley statues. Timothy Leary also publicly acknowledged Crowley's inspiration.

After the hippie era, Dude's philosophy and lifestyle flourished. Inspired by "The Dude", the neo-hippie protagonist of the Coen Brothers film 1998 The Big Lebowski, the main purpose of Dudeism states is to promote the modern form of Chinese Taoism, described in Tao Te Ching by Laozi (6th century BC), combined with a concept by the ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus (341-270 BC), and presented in a style personified by Jeffrey's character "The Dude" Lebowski, a fictional hippie character played by Jeff Bridges in the film. Dudeism is sometimes regarded as an imitation religion, although its founders and many followers take it seriously.


For the historian of the anarchist Ronald Creagh's movement, the hippie movement can be regarded as the last spectacular revival of utopian socialism. For Creagh, the characteristic of this is the desire for the transformation of society not through political revolution, or through state-driven reformist action, but through the creation of a counter-society of socialist character in the midst of the present system. , which will consist of an ideal community of more or less libertarian social forms.

A symbol of peace was developed in Britain as a logo for the Nuclear Disarmament Campaign, and was embraced by US anti-war demonstrators during the 1960s. Hippies are often pacifist, and participate in non-violent political demonstrations, such as the Civil Rights Movement, the marches in Washington DC, and anti-Vietnam War demonstrations, including the burning of National Democratic Party protest cards and 1968 The level of political involvement varies greatly among hippies, from those active in peaceful demonstrations, to the anti-authority street theaters and demonstrations of Yippies, the most politically active hippie subgroup. Bobby Seale discusses the difference between Yippies and hippies with Jerry Rubin, who tells him that Yippies is the political wing of the hippie movement, because the hippies have not "got to be political". Regarding the hippies' political activities, Rubin said, "They mostly prefer to be stoned, but most of them want peace, and they want to end this."

In addition to non-violent political demonstrations, the hippie opposition to the Vietnam War includes organizing political action groups against the war, refusing to serve in the military and doing "teaching" on campuses covering Vietnam's history and larger political contexts. war.

Scott McKenzie 1967 performed John Phillips song "San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair)", which helped inspire the hippie Summer of Love, a homecoming song for all Vietnamese veterans who arrived in San Francisco from 1967 onwards. McKenzie has devoted every American appearance of "San Francisco" to Vietnam veterans, and she sings in 2002 on the 20th anniversary of the dedication of the Vietnam Veteran Monument. Hippie's political expression often takes the form of "dropping out" to apply the changes they seek.

The politically motivated movements aided by hippies include returning to the 1960s land movement, cooperative business enterprises, alternative energy, free press movement, and organic farming. The San Francisco group known as Diggers articulated radical criticisms that influenced contemporary mass consumer societies, and therefore they opened free stores that only distributed their stock, provided free food, distributed free medicines, gave money, organized free music concerts, and doing political artwork. The Diggers took their name from the original British Diggers (1649-50) led by Gerrard Winstanley, and they sought to create a mini society free of money and capitalism.

Such activism is ideally done through anti-authoritarian and nonviolent means; so it is observed that "The hippie way contradicts all repressive hierarchical power structures because they harm the goal of the hippie of peace, love and freedom... Hippies do not impose their belief on others, but hippies seek to change the world through reason and by living what they believe. "

The hippies' political ideals influence other movements, such as anarcho-punk, rave culture, green politics, stoner culture, and New Age movement. Penny Rimbaud of the Crash anarcho-punk English band said in an interview, and in an essay entitled The Last Of The Hippies, that Crass was formed to commemorate his friend, Wally Hope. Crass has its roots in Dial House, founded in 1967 as a commune. Some bastards are often critical of Crass because of their involvement in the hippie movement. Like Crass, Jello Biafra is influenced by the hippie movement, and cites yippies as a major influence on political activism and thought, although he also writes critical songs against hippies.


Following the Beats trail, many hippies use cannabis (marijuana), find it fun and benign. They enlarge their spiritual pharmacopoeies to include hallucinogens such as peyote, LSD, psilocybin mushrooms and DMT, while often abandoning alcohol use. On the East Coast of the United States, Harvard University professors Timothy Leary, Ralph Metzner and Richard Alpert (Ram Dass) advocate psychotropic drugs for psychotherapy, self-exploration, religion and spirituality. Regarding LSD, Leary said, "Expand your awareness and find ecstasy and revelation inside."

On the West Coast of the United States, Ken Kesey is an important figure in promoting recreational use of psychotropic drugs, especially LSD, also known as "acid." By holding what he called "Acid Tests", and traveling the country with his band, Merry Pranksters, Kesey became a magnet for the attention of the media that attracted many young people to a new movement. The Grateful Dead (originally referred to as "The Warlocks") plays some of their first performances in Acid Tests, often higher on LSD as their audience. Kesey and Pranksters have a "vision to change the world." Stronger drugs, such as cocaine, amphetamines and heroin, are also sometimes used in hippie settings; However, these drugs are often underestimated, even among those who use them, because they are considered dangerous and addictive.

The stereotypical belief that in the 1960s, the triumph of hippies, drugs were rampant and little was done to enforce drug laws, unsupported by facts; in 1969 only 4% of Americans had tried marijuana.

Hippie Hill


The heritage of the hippie movement continues to spread to Western society. In general, unmarried couples of all ages feel free to travel and live together without community disagreement. Fear of sexual problems has become more common, and the rights of homosexuals, bisexuals and transgender people, and those who choose not to categorize themselves at all, have been widespread. Religious and cultural diversity has gained greater acceptance.

Cooperative business enterprises and creative community living arrangements are more welcome than ever. Some small hippie health food stores of the 1960s and 1970s are now large-scale, profitable businesses, due to a greater interest in natural foods, herbal remedies, vitamins and other nutritional supplements. It has been argued that the 1960s and 1970s counter-culture embraced some kind of "fun" science and technology. Examples include the design of surfboards, renewable energy, aquaculture and a client-centered approach to midwifery, birth, and women's health. Writers Stewart Brand and John Markoff argue that the development and popularization of personal computers and the Internet finds one of their key roots in the anti-authoritarian ethos promoted by the hippie culture.

Different looks and clothes are one of the hippies inheritance around the world. During the 1960s and 1970s, whiskers, beards and long hair became more common and colorful, while multi-ethnic clothing dominated the fashion world. Since then, a wide selection of personal appearance and clothing styles, including nudity, have become more widely accepted, all of which are not common before the hippie era. Hippies also inspired a decline in the popularity of ties and other business clothing, which was unavoidable for men during the 1950s and early 1960s. In addition, fashion hippie itself has become commonplace in the years since the 1960s in clothing and accessories, especially the symbol of peace. Astrology, including everything from serious studies to strange entertainment about personal traits, is an integral part of the hippie culture. The 1970s became influenced by hippies and countercultural legacy of the 60s. Thus in New York City musicians and audiences from the female, homosexual, black, and Latin community adopted several traits of hippies and psychedelia. They include incredible sound, free-form dance, strange lighting, colorful costumes, and hallucinogens. Psychedelic soul groups such as Chambers Brothers and especially Sly and The Family Stone affect proto-disco like Isaac Hayes, Willie Hutch and Philadelphia Sound. In addition, the perceived sensitivity, lack of irony, and sincerity of the hippies informed proto-disco music such as the album M.F.S.B. Love Is the Message .

The heritage of hippies in literature includes the enduring popularity of books that reflect the hippie experience, such as the Kool-Aid Electric Acid Test . In music, rock folk and psychedelic rocks are popular among hippies evolved into genres such as acid rock, world beat, and heavy metal music. Psychedelic trance (also known as psytrance) is a type of electronic music that is influenced by 1960s psychedelic rock. The tradition of hippie music festivals began in the United States in 1965 with Ken Kesey's Acid Tests, in which the Grateful Dead played stumbling on LSD and started psychedelic disorders. Over the next few decades, many hippies and neo-hippies became part of the Deadhead community, attending music and art festivals held across the country. The Grateful Dead toured continuously, with several interruptions between 1965 and 1995. Phish and their fans (called Phish Heads ) operate in the same way, with continuous band tours between 1983 and 2004. Many bands Contemporary bands perform at hippie festivals and their derivatives are called clock bands, as they play songs that contain long instruments similar to the original hippie bands of the 1960s.

With the deaths of the Grateful Dead and Phish, hippies of nomad tours attend a growing series of summer festivals, the largest of which are called Bonnaroo Music & amp; The Art Festival, which premiered in 2002. The Oregon Country Fair is a three-day festival featuring hand-crafted, educational displays and costumed entertainment. The annual Starwood Festival, founded in 1981, is a seven-day event that marks the spiritual quest of hippies through the exploration of non-mainstream religions and worldviews, and has offered performances and classes by various hippie and counter-cultural icons.

The Burning Man Festival started in 1986 at a San Francisco beach party and is now held in the Black Rock Desert in northeast Reno, Nevada. Although some participants will receive the hippie label , Burning Man is a contemporary expression of the alternative community in the same spirit as the early hippie events. The meeting became a temporary city (36,500 passengers in 2005, 50,000 in 2011), with intricate campsites, exhibitions, and many art cars. Other events that enjoy great attendance include Rainbow Family Gathering, The Gathering of the Vibes, Community Peace Festivals, and Woodstock Festivals.

In the UK, there are many new age travelers who are known as hippies to outsiders, but prefer to call themselves as Peace Convoys. They started the Stonehenge Free Festival in 1974, but English Heritage later banned the festival in 1985, which resulted in the Battle of Beanfield. With Stonehenge banned as a festival site, new age travelers gather at the annual Glastonbury Festival. Today, hippies in Britain can be found in parts of Southwest England, such as Bristol (notably the Montpelier neighborhood, Stokes Croft, St Werburghs, Bishopston, Easton and Totterdown), Glastonbury in Somerset, Totnes in Devon, and Stroud in Gloucestershire, as well as in Hebden Bridge in West Yorkshire, and in the London and Brighton areas. In summer, many hippies and similar subcultures gather at various outdoor festivals in the countryside.

In New Zealand between 1976 and 1981, tens of thousands of hippies gathered from around the world at large farms around Waihi and Waikino for alternative music festivals. Named Nambassa , the festival focuses on peace, love, and a balanced lifestyle. The event featured practical workshops and featured alternative lifestyle advocacy, self-sufficiency, clean and sustainable energy and sustainable living.

In England and Europe, from 1987 to 1989 it was marked by the revival of many characteristics of the hippie movement. The latter movement, comprised mostly of people aged between 18 and 25, adopted many of the original philosophies of love, peace and freedom of hippie. The summer of 1988 was known as the Second Summer of Love. Although the music favored by this movement is modern electronic music, especially house music and acid house, one can often hear songs from the original hippie era in chill out rooms on the rave. In the UK, many of the most famous figures of the movement first resided communally at Stroud Green, a suburb of north London located in Finsbury Park. In 1995, The Sekhmet Hypothesis tried to link the hippie and rave cultures together in relation to transactional analysis, showing that rave culture is a social archetype based on a mood of friendly strength, compared to the soft hippie archetype, based on friendly weakness. The electronic dance genres that came to be known as psychedelic trance and trance as well as related events and cultures have a hippie heritage and important hippie elements. The popular DJ of Goa Cave genre, like other hippies from the 1960s, decided to leave the United States and Western Europe to travel on the hippie track and then develop psychedelic and musical parties on the Indian island of Goa where the cave genre and psytrance were born and exported worldwide in the 1990s and 2000s.

Popular films depicting hippie ethics and lifestyle include Woodsock, Easy Rider, Hair , The Doors , > Crossing Nature Sem

Source of the article : Wikipedia
